Acne-proof your Skin in Anticipation of the Rainy Season


Acne Treatment during the rainy season for your skin – Because everything is green during the monsoons, it is a lovely time of year. The monsoon’s calming rains and mild temperatures will seem like heaven after the blazing heat of summer. However, humidity arrives with the chilly breeze and showers, bringing more germs into the air and clogging pores, causing acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.

When skin is exposed to a humid environment frequently, it is more susceptible to dehydration and injury. During the monsoon, the weather changes rapidly, and our lack of skincare manifests itself as acne, allergies, and rashes.

The famous experts from the Olivia Skin and Hair Clinic in the lovely city of Jayanagar, Bangalore, would like to discuss all of the numerous acne treatments offered and how they might assist you in this article.

Acne is a common skin problem that affects teenagers and adults alike. Be extra cautious during this time of year. At least 85 percent of teenagers have acne, while 25 percent of all adult males and 50 percent of adult females have acne at some point in their lives. The reoccurring skin ailment can be difficult to live with for teenagers and adults alike, regardless of age, leading to anxiety and despair. Acne that isn’t treated can have serious repercussions. It’s time to see a dermatologist if you’re missing out on hobbies and outings with friends due to breakouts.

Olivia, one of the best skin clinics in Jayanagar, offers the services of several well-known dermatologists who can help you clean up your acne quickly (in six to eight weeks) and healthily cope with pimples. They can diagnose you by looking at your breakouts. They will also record what types of acne you have and where the outbreaks appear on your skin during your appointment. This will help your dermatologist devise a successful treatment plan.

acne treatment for your skin
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What Causes Acne in the Monsoon?

Increased humidity in the environment, mainly rainwater mixed with heat, causes an increase in sebum production in the skin, resulting in a greasy appearance that serves as a breeding ground for germs. The sticky face attracts dust, filth, and sweat, blocking pores and producing acne breakouts.

In addition, the skin loses its equilibrium and becomes lifeless. There are occasions when a person does not have acne during the rest of the year, but it flares during the monsoons. During the rainy season, acne can appear on the face, back, and arms.

Also, read your basic make-up essentials, here.

What can you do to get rid of Acne?

Ask your doctor about prescription-strength acne drugs if you’ve used over-the-counter (nonprescription) acne products for several weeks and they haven’t worked. A dermatologist can assist you in the following ways:

• Keep your acne under control

• Protect your skin from scarring and other types of damage.

• Reduce the visibility of scars

Acne treatment reduces oil production and puffiness while also addressing bacterial infection. Most prescription acne medications take four to eight weeks to show benefits. Acne can last for months or even years before it clears up completely.

Your doctor’s treatment plan will be based on your age, the type and severity of your acne, and how much time you’re ready to devote to it. For example, for several weeks, you may need to wash and apply the best spot-on acne treatments to the affected area twice a day. Topical therapies and drugs that are taken orally (oral meds) are frequently used together. Because of the potential of side effects, such as tsw, treatment choices for pregnant women are restricted.

acne treatment in monsoons

Discuss the risks and advantages of any drugs or other therapies you are considering with your doctor. And, until your skin recovers, schedule follow-up consultations with your doctor every three to six months.

Acne can leave permanent blemishes on your skin, even if it does not always create scars. There may be some discoloration, but this will fade as the skin recovers. However, you may develop more severe scarring that changes the texture of your skin, so you should see a dermatologist and ask for a scar treatment option if you see them.

Tips that you can use to get Clear skin

Neem is excellent acne and pimple treatment. Combine a few neem leaves, turmeric, and milk to make a paste. Apply the paste to your face and other affected areas, leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash it off with cold water. Your skin will be smooth and free of blemishes.

Mix a few drops of neem oil with coconut or almond oil and apply to the afflicted areas to get rid of pimples. After massaging the insides of the neem fruit over the acne or acne-prone area, allow drying. Wash your face with water. To avoid acquiring acne during the monsoon season, do this daily.

Drink plenty of water and restrict your tea, coffee, and alcohol intake to prevent skin breakouts. Regularly wash your face and wipe it with a soft towel or cloth. If your acne problem persists, see a dermatologist figure out what’s causing it and begin your skin lightening treatment.


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