Are we Suddenly Becoming Anti-social?


Life is better with a little Laughter! Don’t you agree? But, do you see random smiling faces on the streets, in shopping malls, public places these days? Let me rephrase my question, When was the last time you had a really good laugh on a joke, a meme, a forward, or on a ‘satirical’ statement without being prejudiced! Or if you have cracked a lively joke on a friend and never really felt the urge to justify yourself.

Do you recall those funny tiny tubes on TV called ‘Just for Laughs’, oh man! I had a fun time watching random people getting cranked by those hilarious pranksters. But today such content feels like alien or offensive. Have you ever thought why? Is it a lifestyle shift or getting robotic with out humanly emotions? Or we are just running after life, not fulfilling its real purpose – to live.

Are we becoming overly sensitive to fun?

Let me share a real life incident here –

A couple of months back I read a random post on a ‘Facebook Mom Community‘, an old lady had forwarded a joke/tricky prank which says – ‘You are the One who duped her with x amount of money, when you click on the link mentioned in the post.’

All hell went loose on the poor soul, a simple pun, a little humble age old prank had created a huge furore for the lady and she spent rest of her day justifying everyone – ‘it’s just a prank, I am sorry if you are offended.‘ I mean seriously? Are we so cold-blooded today that cannot differentiate between a joke or an insult? Probaby this platonic shit is another perk of being social media addict 24/7 that it has killed the humanly warmth from our real hearts.

Next comes judgements, prejudices, and long social media rants – so unlike earlier, today we need disclaimers after every line. People are called for their choices, decisions, opinions and what not. I chose my life the way I like it, not the way society wants or directs me to.

Empathy, compassion, sensibility, and kindness, are vital threads of our social structure. We shuffle with one and the whole building comes crumbling down. Have you seen teenagers/youngsters these days, they lack most of these emotions. I am no one to judge them, but these are my observations as a ‘thoughtful parenting crusader’ and a mother of a tween.

Are we turning Anti-social?

Just see around yourself what is happening in our society? We pay huge sum to join laughter clubs for health benefits or taking therapies to gain control over feelings which aren’t even there. But, nothing helps better than the real-life human connections.

If you are a kid of 90s like me, do you recall ‘colony aunties’ poking their noses in everyone’s personal affair. They wanted to know each and every detail about your life, and its periphery. We found them too annoying that time, but today, I miss such connections.

When I look around, the horrific brutality and rage scares the hell out of me. These few snippets from the news headlines are enough to explain where we are standing as society –

  1. Teeager tries to poison parents over phone addiction.
  2. Another teenager kills mother and leaves a smiling emoticon drawn from her blood.
  3. Husband killing wife over an argument and chopping her body into many parts.
  4. Employers scalding and beating life out of their minor house-help.
  5. Sexual abuse by father and other family members.

Reading such incidents not only spoil your mood early in the morning, but also questions the sensitivity and compassion of society as a whole. Are we providing right life-lessons to our younger generation? We run from pillar to post to get our kids in the best of the schools, but what are we doing to make them better human beings?

Without generalizing, lets understand where are we going wrong? It’s easy to point out fingers on working parents, single child syndrome, or excessive social media addiction. Experts believe, this downfall could be an aftermath of ‘protective or liberal parenting’, but, I personally feel there is more to this.

We as a society have distanced ourselves from each other, social-threads and emotions which result in lack of connections. Also, excessive exposure of internet, social-media that we have lost the difference between reel or real.


As social beings, a superior species we are meant to make connections and live as a whole instead of bits-and-pieces. Social connections, emotions, happiness, and compassion are as important in life as other materialistic things. As forebearers, our children should take the baton of social-empathy and move forward.

Also, read a Short Fictional Story I have written for a writing challenge, here.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023


@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with the right and specific direction to the original content.

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