Because Life is a Choice…


Naina knows if she won’t say anything now, she will never be able to. The fight is not about her anymore, after all, she is known for her rectitude. She kept silent for all these years, only with a blip of hope. Despite the obvious predictions, her belief never moved a tiny bit. However, the sudden shift of events challenged her judgment.

She was aware this day would come, but the abrupt disruption to life wasn’t to anyone’s liking. Everyone was waiting with bated breath, well aware Naina could handle this situation, but still, an ambiguity crept over.

The unnerving silence was broken by Naina’s coarse voice, ‘Yes, I chose to be your father’s paramour. It was my decision twenty-five years ago, that provided us this life. Otherwise, we both would have ended up either in a brothel or on the street.’

Looking straight into Monika’s eyes, she continued, ‘Today you have the power to judge me and my choices, but when you were dying of pneumonia and I was six months pregnant with another child, your own biological father sold us to fend off his alcohol. We were left with nothing but scraps of clothing. Prying eyes peeled away whatever we had to hide, no one was there to help us then and even today. I was forced to become what I am today by life.’

‘I lost my baby, virtue, and innocence, broke many things inside me but gained what’s needed to survive. Life is not always a happy glittering image, my child. It’s made up of unimaginable sacrifices, and I am not ashamed of my decisions.’

‘You are free to make your own decisions, this was mine,’ She glanced at her daughter one last time and went inside waving to dismiss the meeting.

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2023


@Dipika Singh Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger) with the right and specific direction to the original content.

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