It’s Sleeping Time – Silence Please


Sleeping – I had many issues with it earlier, but after becoming a ‘mommy’ realisation struck me how wrong I was!

Baby – “Mommy I am sleepy”

Mom – Ok baby let’s go to bed…

Baby – Yessss… it’s play time – on bed!!

Mommy – *faints* 

Don’t you agree, when the little angel arrived she had very irregular sleeping habits – elders in family and peers advised with their experience every month or two the sleeping habits change in infants. I waited ….. waited…. and waited for 4 months but she was a night owl. Would sleep just for 2 hours in the whole night, and my routine transformed like her’s.

Sleeping woes continuessss..

She is 5 today and have many things on her plate – play time, fun time, school time and chatting time (sorry that is constant) we go to bed by 10:30 pm with the notion to sleep at least in 30 minutes however these 30 minutes have capability in turning into 300 any given night… phew! When I learned the prompt of the week on #mondaymommymoments I burst out laughing – and my first reaction was – “I do not put her to SLEEP, it’s she who does this to me ;)”….


Sleeping Policy

We honestly don’t have any policy or regime when it comes to putting little miss to Sleep, learned this from hard laboured earned experience… *Yawn* However, we do some daily rituals or rules before hitting bed – together.

  1. I finish her dinner by 8:30 pm which gives us good 2 hours to digest and be safe from untimely poo calls or belching burps in night.
  2. A mug of warm milk just before sleeping, have observed this induce healthy sleep and she doesn’t get up in between giving me scares for life.
  3. We read a story – a happy story on bed, usually my stories have her as protagonist and bad habit as an evil monster, e.g., her favourite is when she fights the monster (in frozen’s ELSA glittery gown) who hits small kids & litter the roads.
  4. Keep the room dark and quite – with light; comes the reflections and shadows which can give lot of ideas to these tiny brain factories, on just one little shadow she can talk for 60 whole minutes 😀 hence, I do not bring any such chances and keep room dark.
  5. Let the excess energy pass – when the schools are closed and not much to do at home, I take her to parks or to the pools to kill the excess energy stored in tiny limbs and brain. Exhaustion welcomes hunger and sleep home.
  6. Slowly this has become a pattern for us, but we are flexible when it comes to changing any activity due to demand of day/time.
  7. We break the monotony of plain and simple sleeping and do pyjama parties on weekends – creating tent with bed sheets and bringing funny shadows from torch lights is her idea for fun. It gets super exciting for her when daddy dear joins as Peppa Pig – Daddy Pig 😉 oink oink
  8. I am a firm believer of – let them be their age; there are times when I myself break the rules defined for sleeping. Today she’s of the age when can have all fun without being worried – life ahead is full of challenges and tasks.

These are just few of things we follow for happy and good night sleep, do share with me – What you do to put kids – to Sleep.

Did you read the last submitted post with #mmm click here – Hopes & Wishes for a Better You!


Linking this post with #mondaymommymoments from Amrita or Deepa

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