8 Ideas to Be Happy: Your Happiness Guide


Happiness is subjective, it is a state of mind that differs from person to person. Isn’t it? The things that make John happy, may not be the same for Robert! So, how do you define happiness and the ideas to be happy?

Do feelings have a definition? No, they don’t! A feeling is a state of emotional reactions to certain stimuli, well without going too much into ‘psychology lingo’, let us stick to the topic of Happiness. For me, happiness is watching my favorite childhood cartoon series on Netflix. Or wearing my old jeans that fit again very nicely (without any squeezing or tummy tucker).

“You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren’t happy in one place, chances are you won’t be happy anyplace.”

—Ernie Banks

We all make our choices, some follow their heart, and a few trust our grey cells over the heart. Happiness is a right mix of our emotional and mental well being. More to do with subconscious calling, I would say 🙂

8 Best Ideas to be Happy –

1. Stay Positive – Practice smiling more and Positive Affirmations:

I have had my share of emotional turmoils, nervous breakdowns, and mild depression in one life. Being a sensitive person, other’s reactions to my actions, effected directly, and brutally in the past. I suffered alone, as no one would understand the emotional dilemmas in my head. Logically speaking, I was a mess but then reality struck, and self-realization taught me to be in control of my emotions and feelings.

Positive Affirmations as one of the best ideas to be happy – We are what we think, words have the power to change our attitude towards life. Positive affirmations and strong ‘positive’ words that make us believe in them by repeating them over and over again.

‘It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.’

– Muhammad Ali
  • I am responsible for my own happiness.
  • I am happy.
  • All my dreams come true.
  • This is given to me for a greater good.
  • I CHOOSE to be happy.
best ideas to be happy

2. Skill Sufficient; give yourself an upgrade –

During my placement days, I often wondered; why every job resume questions about ‘hobby’? What has my leisure time got to do with my work-life?

With life and time, I learned the real reason to have a hobby/skill for yourself. I love reading, books were my only solace (were – as life and kid took over as task numero uno) reading books eventually developed my writing skills. Words flow easily and sequences form in the head without much effort, thanks to piles of books I read all those years ago.

Develop a skill set to invite happiness in life, when you do something only for yourself; happiness follows. *tried and tested ideas to be happy.

3. Communicate positively and kindly –

Be KIND to others is a way of being GOOD to yourself.

– Harold S Kushner

Be kind and empathetic to others. Sorry. Please. Thank You and called ‘golden words’ for a reason. When you bring kindness in your tone and acts with others, the gesture creates a ripple effects making you happy in return. Treat others the same way, you wish to be treated.

4. Walk –

I remember reading an article not so long ago on the New York Times about ‘Get up and Move. It May Make You Happier.’ Since this lockdown has been announced, most of us are confined to your homes and daily chores. Stress has longer tentacles than we can ever imagine, negative mood, sadness, a feeling of vastness, these are symptoms of an anxious mind. Walking helps relax those muscles and nerves.

Walk at least for 15 to 20 minutes a day, you will see a change in your mood, and health. There are lot of researches conducted on how exercise and physical activities contain depression and anxiety. So, next time when you feel low or sad, just wear your running shows and go for a walk.

5. Social Media Detox –

Time to time detox from social media helps in happy living. Social media is an integral part of our lives today, the urge of checking notifications every time the phone beeps is an anxious habit.

Counting on the number of likes, shares, and other regular features have left us vulnerable. But, deleting social media isn’t a solution. I am sure you wouldn’t like to be back-in-stone-age trans, but the usage of social media can be curtailed by time-management and digital detox days.

6. Choose your inner circle wisely –

A cliche! but holds the secret of joy and happiness in life. Your inner circle is the close-knit relations that have the strength to make and break you as a person.

While all our friends are dear, but we have to consciously pick only those who are true to – ‘friend in need is a friend indeed‘ saying. It may sound cynical, but the truth is – this is a thumb rule of being happy.

7. Meditation – mantra of calm body and mind –

We all have heard or read about the benefits of meditation, it is essential for happy body and mind. Start with 10 minutes of meditation slowly building up-to 30 minutes and more. Meditation relaxes anxious nerves and helps us connect with the body, mind and spirit.

Listen to light music, think positive thoughts, and add gratitude to your meditation routine.

Video Source – Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness YouTube

8. Celebrate your life and happiness –

Every happy moment in the life is worth celebrating, be thankful and grateful of what life has given us. Congratulate yourself for every achievement no matter how small and big. Most importantly be kind to yourself.

Final Verdict – Happiness is a choice, you will find many reasons to be unhappy or find faults in your stars, but being happy is worth living for.

This post is written for SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge which I am co-hosting with my lovely friend Ruchi Verma (wigglingpen).

The idea of this blogging challenge is to spread happiness and cheer among the community and also to boost up our blog. We have 27 SpeakEasy challengers onboard, and we will spread various shades of happiness and positivity for the next 15days in your life.

If you wish to be part of this challenge (honorary), please read, comment, and share the posts with #SpeakEasyWithRuchiNDips on your social networking. Remember, happiness doubles with sharing!

Speakeasy blogging challenge

©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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