Every woman considers missed periods and tender breasts as the earliest signs of pregnancy. However, there a whole host of weird pregnancy symptoms that no one tells her about. Here are six very unusual pregnancy symptoms that are perfectly normal.
1. Constipation is an early pregnancy symptom –
Constipation is a weird but one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. It hits you in the early weeks of pregnancy and gets worse as your uterus gets bigger. The symptoms include difficulty having a bowel movement, abdominal pain, and infrequent or hard bowel movements.
Hormonal changes, the iron in your prenatal vitamins, fiber deficiency, and continuously increasing womb pressure are blame for Constipation during pregnancy.
How to control or regulate it –
- Exercise regularly.
- Drink plenty of fluids, including 8-10 glasses of water daily.
- Take iron-free vitamins instead of your prenatal vitamins.
- Consume at least 25 grams of fiber every day. Eat foods rich in fiber, like peas, beans, prunes, lentils, and whole grains.
2. Nasal Congestion –
When you’re pregnant, you may experience stuffy, runny or bloody nose or even an itchy throat. Also known as pregnancy rhinitis, nasal congestion usually kicks off during the second trimester and lasts throughout your pregnancy.
Rising estrogen levels, extra blood flow, and a lack of moisture in the body cause nasal congestion.
- Use saline nose sprays
- Run a cool-mist humidifier in the house
- Drink plenty of liquids
3. Blurry Vision – Weird but real!
During pregnancy, you may notice your eyesight isn’t as clear as it was before, especially if you’re already suffering from gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.
Don’t worry as vision problems are quite common during pregnancy. They usually take place in the last trimester and go away two months after delivery.
Rising estrogen and progesterone levels, pregnancy hormones, increased fluid pressure inside the eye often leads to unclear vision.
Treat this condition with following tips –
- Don’t wear contact lenses during pregnancy.
- Try some eye relaxation exercises.
- Use pregnancy-friendly eye drops.
- Wear sunglasses when you step out of your home.
- Rest your eyes often.

4. Leg Cramps –
Throughout your pregnancy, you can groan from muscle cramps in your legs or feet. They usually strike suddenly and occur at night, and is known as the most common pregnancy symptom starting early on.
The inadequate blood supply in the calves, calcium/potassium/magnesium deficiency, and overexertion of the leg muscles often cause leg cramps.
Relieve the leg cramps by –
- Avoid lying on your back.
- Eat foods rich in calcium, such as milk, cheese, and nuts.
- Prop your legs up whenever possible. Avoid crossing them.
- Wear comfy, flat footwear.
- Gently stretch your leg muscles at bedtime.
- Take some mild leg exercises daily.
- Apply a hot water bottle to soothe the pain.
Also, read about how IVF can help you with advanced medical treatments, here.
5. Itching on limbs, or thighs
Stomach itching is also one of the most common pregnancy symptom, but some pregnant women can even experience itchy palms and soles with redness. Fortunately, the itchy feeling usually goes away entirely after delivery.
Blame hormonal changes and stretching the skin for itching during pregnancy.
Soothe your itchy skin by using –
- A moisturizer to keep your skin soft and hydrated.
- Take an oatmeal bath.
- Avoid hot showers and baths.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Try yogurt skin treatment.
- Run a cool-mist humidifier in the house.
- Use mild soaps.
- Take an oatmeal bath.
- Avoid wearing clothing made from itchy fabrics.
6. Dizziness –
Many pregnant women feel lightheaded and dizzy. In rare cases, even a healthy pregnant woman can faint during pregnancy. Dizziness usually occurs in the first trimester but can last throughout pregnancy.
Low glucose levels or blood pressure, restricted blood flow, dehydration, and overheating cause dizziness and lightheadedness.
- Get enough fresh air.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Take small, frequent meals.
- Avoid sudden movements.
- Avoid hot baths or showers.
- Take iron supplements.
- Avoid standing or sitting for too long.
- Don’t overdo exercise.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
- Get up slowly from sitting and lying positions.

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The content is not for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.
I have never really heard of these symptoms!
Thats so true. Missed period is not the only sign of pregnancy. The symptoms you have mentioned often go unnoticed and are considered as occasional.
After giving birth to two kids.. I feel really strange that I haven’t heard about these symptoms. Great to know thanks a lot for sharing.
Despite having two kids I haven’t heard of experienced these symptoms. It’s good that you shared them for reference. Additional information is always helpful.
These symptoms are really new for me but I am sure it’s going to help a lot to new to be mommies!! Will share with my friends !!
Yeah I have seen dizziness a lot on shows. Especially the Hindi ones. But I had none of the above and therefore didn’t know at all that I was pregnant for 3 months.
I had never heard of these and certainly never experienced them in my early pregnancy phase! For me, early pregnancy was marked by hormonal acne breakouts, nausea and enlarged and painful breasts!
We often forget to do simple things like taking fresh open air. I loved your tips. I had terrible leg cramps infact and I wish I had read this post at that time.
wow I never knew any of these until now.. I guess it will be helpful for moms who are planning out . amazing post
They are definitely weird symptoms.
Blurry vision, oh I never knew that! Constipation, yes I was aware as I too faced it during my 2nd month. Thanks for this post!
Great post dear and yes sometimes there unusal symptoms of pregnancy presents. addition of nasal congestion is really to me. I had not heard about this before. thanks dear for sharing this useful pointers.
True.. all these symptoms were with me during my second pregnancy except the blurry vision. Great post and really helpful for first time moms .
Thank you, glad you like it
This is an insightful post for sure. I remember I had a lot of itching all throughout my second and third trimesters and none of the oils and creams worked. It was all hormonal and had to be under medication.
I have heard of a few but a lot of these are very new to me. I think a lot of women would find it really helpful, I am definitely sharing it 🙂
My vision use to go blur for sme tme during both my pregnancies and it happens at tmes due to BP fluctuation but though my bp was constant I faced this both the time in my pregnancies.
I had heard about nausea, dizziness, vomiting kind of things during early pregnancy time but didn’t know that there are different symptoms like the ones you have mentioned. Coming to think of it now I had itching on legs.
That’s so true, though I have not heard any difficulty in my both pregnancies, I call myself lucky that everything went smooth for the whole 9 months. I do have seen my sister and sis in law facing the problem of leg cramps, and blurred vision.
This post gave me the jitters 🙂 reminded me of the horrible memories I have. My first pregnancy was a nightmare. I was puking throughout the nine months. Wish I had blogs like these to read at that time.
I remember dizziness and constipation during the earlier days of my pregnancy and also the mood swings. But I had no idea that pregnancy could result in blurry vision too, it sounds scary.
All the symptoms were known to me except itching. This post is surely a guide to all the mothers who are looking for the signs and are awaiting to hear good news.
oh my gosh! these are really odd symptoms, and except for morning sickness, i havent heard of any of these. nice simple and easy to follow tips for managing these situations.
Wow! I have been pregnant twice and other than dizziness I didn’t know about any of the other symptoms! Itchiness though was a symptom I experienced in my second pregnancy, mostly towards the end.
Despite being a mother of two, I haven’t really heard of these symptoms. Quite an interesting read, though.
Constipation and legs cramps both I face in my pregnancy and blurry vision is unusual thing I read about.
I haven’t heard of experienced these symptoms. It’s good that you shared them for reference. It will be very helpful for new moms
[…] Also, read most unusual early pregnancy symptoms, here. […]