5 Superb Online Board Games that your Kid will Enjoy Playing


5 amazing online board games you can play for free – When I was a kid, I used to beg my parents to buy me different board games. I grew up in a joint family, and every afternoon my siblings and cousins used to play board games with outdoor sports to keep us entertained. Even a simple chess game or ludo used to be a do-or-die encounter for us.

Nowadays, most of us live in nuclear families, and because of that, today’s children are not familiar with the fun that we had by playing board games with our friends and siblings. As a parent, I can’t deprive my child of having the fun that I had during my childhood. 

In this modern day and age, everything has become virtual. Recently, we have celebrated birthdays, and marriages, and attended office meetings and various other things online. Not only that, at present still, my office colleagues and friends play some online board games, in our spare time. All these games are highly competitive and remind me of my childhood days whenever I play them. 

There are an array of games that one can find on the internet, but not all of them are suitable for your children. While selecting board games for your little one, you need to be careful. Here are some of my favorite board games available online, which I will recommend for children. 

Here’s Why Online Board Games Are Exciting and Relaxing For Kids?

There is no denying that the board game experience gets enhanced when online board games are played in person. It’s true, that it is hard to assemble the group of people that you want to play the game with. These days you can also start a Kickstarter For Board Games, which is a great benefit for the entire gaming industry. My child can play online board games with her friends and with other players from all across the world and can make new friends. I think these are the reasons behind the success of online games.  

● They are highly competitive. When my kid or I play the game, often as a player, I come across players who are head and shoulders above me. This enhances the gaming experience. 

● One can play the game for hours and will never get bored. Whenever I get free time from work, I play the board games available online with my friends, and my kid does the same. 

● Playing in real-time with real players. Your child can connect with her friends and cousins for the game and make the gaming experience full of enjoyment.

Some of the Most Exciting Online Board Games

1. Chess:

I vividly remember the tense last moments of chess. The chess board used to turn into a real battlefield. Among all the online board games for kids, this is one of the very few games, which I think sharpens a child’s brain. A player needs to form various strategies to win the game. One wrong move can spoil hours of hard work. It is a game of patience, and your child will surely learn to formulate strategies and, will become patient by playing the game of chess online.

2. Snakes and Ladders:

When I was in school, I can recall the game which I most enjoyed was snake and ladders. The game is super fun, and my pals and I used to play this game with a highly competitive mindset. We used to throw the dice differently while praying to the god so that our board marker didn’t end up on a snake’s mouth. Today, I enjoy playing the same classic board game online. Although this game is based on luck, I think a child can learn an important life lesson from this game. In life, you will face ups and downs, but we should never give up. I believe in incorporating these philosophical thoughts into play so that your child turns into a great human being. 

3. Uno:

Card games are usually not recommended for children. What if I tell you that not all card games are bad for your child? Yes, you read that right. Uno is one of the card games that I used to enjoy playing a lot in my free time as a child. My cousin first introduced me to Uno. I have a lot of memories of playing the game. Uno with friends has several variations, and it is a game of luck and understanding when to play what move. 

4. Memory Games:

All of us got frustrated while playing memory games as a child, but that never stopped us from playing. Every time I failed to remember the orders of the memory game, I used to start again with more enthusiasm. Memory games can boost a child’s mental capacity. Encourage your child to play some of the best online board games for free, which are based on their mental capability. I guarantee that your child will surely enjoy playing one of the numerous memory games available on the internet. 

online board games

5. Quiz Games:

I know that you are surprised to see the name of quiz games in this list of online games. But trust me, it might not be a classical board game, but your child will surely enjoy learning about new things through the quiz games. I, as a child, used to participate in several quiz contests, and the knowledge that I earned by participating in those quiz contests has helped me a lot in the latter half of my life. I personally, always cherish the feeling of winning, and in today’s competitive world if you want to develop the winning mentality in your kid, introduce them to these quiz games today. 

Take Away Thoughts

These are some of my personal favorite online board games that I still enjoy playing. I like my kids to learn about the games I have grown up playing. I suggest you do the same to make your child’s free time more enjoyable. He or she can use the time spent on the internet for something fun and exciting. While doing that your child will also learn some useful things. Search from the variety of games that are available on the internet and select the best ones for your child. 


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