A Thief’s Mind Unraveled – How Safe Are You?


Being safe or keeping the loved one’s safe is our utmost priority. But do you really feel safe? Inside your own Home?

Keeping the Home Safe – #HowSafeAreYou

Undoubtedly what comes on top priority for each one of us is – Keep family safe. The measures we undertake –  a safe & habitable vicinity, secured surroundings and a good LOCK. But are you sure the Locks you so much trust on will keep you safe? Have you ever wondered what goes inside ‘mind of a robber/burglar?

On the 15th November, 2017 Godrej Locking Solutions and Systems launched an ingenious digital campaign at it’s Hubble office, Mumbai. The idea was to bring together bloggers, media persons, experts and company representatives for discussion on Home Safety, aptly named as #HowSafeAreYou

About #HowSafeAreYou Digital Campaign

Godrej urged to observe 15th November as #HomeSafetyDay to emphasis on self safety for everyone. Demonstrated the reason on why it is crucial to emphasis on home security solutions. With an adept panel of experts from various disciplines of life – Mr. Vivek Agrawal – Senior Crime Journalist & Author. Dr. Kaminidevi Bhoir – Psychiatric Counsellor – Mumbai Police. Mr. Prakash N. Borgaonkar, Western Region Head of HelpAge India. Mr. Supreeth Sudhakaran, victim of burglary. Mr. Shyam Motwani, EVP and Head of Business – Godrej Locking Solutions and Systems. 


The campaign dealt in details about the mindset of robbers/burglars, releasing videos of real life robbers targeting on few key features. This video is compilation of real interviews of rehabilitated burglars to understand – what’s the psych of robbers.

    • What they think before breaking in to any house?
    • Burglary an intention; evading prison – Mission.
    • Modus operandi behind majority of generic thefts take place.
    • Not following the basic procedures of ‘self-safety’ major boon to robbers.

Key features from the #HowSafeAreYou campaign

During the event expert panelists have shared their knowledge on how and why some people choose to rob/harm others. Dr. Kaminidevi Bhoir, explained on how ‘robbing is an addiction’ for many. Regardless of the economical background or society, it is a disease, an urge called – Kleptomania.


Mr. Vivek Agrawal shared his experience of the criminal mindsets he encountered in his long course of crime journalism. How some criminals, get adrenaline rush out of a heist and killing is never a ‘taboo’ for them.



Mr. Prakash N. Borgaonkar emphasized on the need of ‘self-safety’ first. Sharing few anecdotes with audience he referred the safety and security of senior citizens. Specially those who are living alone in cities, inadvertently sharing personal details can cause much harm too. Mr. Shyam Motwani shared the ethos behind making our homes a safer place. In his own words –

“While the police and government have been trying their best to curtail crimes, it is equally the responsibility of the citizens to help police curb crime as well as take appropriate measures to prevent them. With this digital video, we are creating awareness in the minds of the citizens and helping them stay safe.”

Author’s Note

When we think of locks – the first generic brand comes to an Indian customer’s mind is ‘Godrej‘. The heavy duty locks from Godrej have helped us in thick-n-thin. During train travels, or hostel stays. P.G. accommodations or out of home trips. We trust the heavy and thick locks from our most trusted – security solutions company. As the time has changed, so is the approach of burglars. They evolved in their approach to break-in and developed latest tech to aid heist. So the security solutions also need to be latest and more robust.

Godrej Locking Solutions & Systems is bringing best security solutions to our home. But at the same time, we as responsible citizens have to complete our duty.

  • Keep your locks and security measure updated.
  • Never share extra set of key or pin with any third person.
  • Always register house helps, domestic helps with nearest Police Station.
  • Keep your monetary details to yourself.
  • Never indulge your holiday plans with strangers or on Social Media.

Together with Godrej Locks & our self-secured measures let’s make our Home a Safe Place. No event is complete without some fun & clicks with friends. Here are few glimpse of post event entertainment.

With fellow bloggers and friends
with dear friends Ayesha, Utpal along with Sujit Patil

© Dipika Singh

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