Running a small business from anywhere or the comfort of your own home allows greater creative control because it means that you have the time and, potentially, the luxury to tailor your branding and push that business image forward. This is doubly true if you are running a side hustle and you are looking to gradually grow your business, but running a business from anywhere, including home, means that you’ve got to ensure you have the little things in place. The devil is often in the details, so here are a few things you must consider when operating your business remotely.
Mobile Payment Options
We’ve got to make sure that our customers have convenient payment options, such as contactless card readers or mobile wallets. It’s incredibly useful to your customers when you, for example, find the right payment terminal for your business, as you will be able to increase sales and maximize your reach. Integrating the solutions into a broader audience will make things less of a hassle.
Considering Your Time Zone
A very little thing that can have a massive impact; you need to consider the time zones of your target audience when you are providing things like customer support. For example, you may believe a well-crafted out-of-office email is all you need, but if you want to enhance customer satisfaction, you’ve got to offer extended hours or, at the very least, offer timely responses. Time zones can be a blessing and a curse, especially if you’re trying to increase your customer reach. Paying attention to your time zones, especially if you’re starting to work with other people, is critical. If you are working with someone creating content for you on the other side of the world, you are potentially losing time to get a piece of content online because you are waiting potentially 12 hours for an email reply.
Legal and Tax Compliance
As great as it is to run a business from anywhere, you’ve got to pay attention to the tax and legal considerations. You need to be aware of the obligations where you are conducting business. It’s vital to consult with tax professionals to ensure that you are doing everything above board, but you should also look at establishing your business as a legal entity.
Those people who start a side hustle can very well minimize their legal stands, but you still need to have a far better understanding of what you can do to be legally compliant. Because after all, you don’t want to be hit with a hefty tax bill when you thought that you were doing everything above board! We may have said that there are a few little things to be concerned about, but in fact, these are quite massive considerations.
We have to bear in mind that there are so many benefits of running a business from anywhere. It’s incredibly flexible and offers a lot of opportunities, but you’ve got to pay attention to these things.
Also, read 5 Secrets to Making a Positive Impression as a Travelling Business, here.
Embracing significant details such as these can result in far better customer engagement, which will boost your business in the long run regardless of where you operate. So be careful going forward and bear these things in mind.
© Dipika Singh. The unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links are used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.