I am Beautiful…


Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder


….and I would definitely approve myself as that Beholder to be certified as Beautiful. Everyone (especially we moms) wants to look & feel our best, but with severe time crunch or exorbitantly high salon prices and sometime out of sheer laziness self care always get shifted on the back burner.

Have you ever dropped the idea of sending hot tiffin for your child at school just because you are feeling lazy? Hell No! are you a crazy; what would my laadli/laadla eat at school tsk…tsk.. poor baccha! But how many times have you postponed your overgrown hedge of brows to be tamed? Well, I know you have lost the count…. we all are same! I take a wow every time when a wart/acne shows itself to take care now onward, so here is my tiny miny list of Beauty tips & products to make me beautiful ever after….(touche’)

1. Hair:

My man was head over toes on my hair when we first met, he describes it magical remembering my long curly tresses… umm well it’s a thing of past, for my hair postpartum hormone shift was the worst hit. Today, I make sure to oil my hair once a week with warm Parachute Advanced Hair Oil mixed with few drops of Hamdard Badam Roghan Shirin Sweet Almond Oil. For cleansing I am not very particular, any shampoo with natural/organic ingredients, fragrant & must not leave hair dry is good.

Tip: make sure post massaging scalp to repeat the process by inverting the head upside-down. This way blood flows to the roots and make hair healthier.

2. Body:

Moisturize even when you don’t feel the need! Yes, body in thirty’s need best care to be firm for coming years. It’s the time to invest in good body skin care products I swear by Nivea for it’s amazing range of Body Lotions & Moisturizers, it’s unique fragrance is like my second skin, keeps the skin hydrated for long time even in dry itchy days.

Tip: switch to Body Wash from Soaps, as later leaves the skin dry and scratchy. Immediately post shower use body lotion for it to immerse deeply.

3. Face:

On face I keep it minimum, just a water based daily moisturizer from Garnier makes me happy and far far away from acne/ pimples. I am a no Make-up person, but when needed (on rarest of rare occasions) use Oriflame The One Skin Illusion Foundation along with One Illuskin Compact Pressed Powder for a magnificent effect. I am one of those kinds, who if doesn’t wear Kajal/Kohl look either stoned sick or zombie…. for Eyes L’oreal Paris Magique Kajal for long lasting and smudge proof look.

Tip: make sure your cosmetic is within it’s shelf life and also water based if you have OILY skin.

4. Lips:

I am a lipstick fetish…. just can’t have and be happy with one!! I love collecting them in different shades, shapes, styles and brands. And also so very proud of my precious collection 😉

My favorite of all brands is Maybelline for the simple reason it comes in scores of shades, easy of pockets (for lipstick fanatics like me) and easily available. I love Ruby Twilight shade.

Tip: scrub lips once in a week by slightly rubbing brown sugar with few drops of lemon juice and keep them moisturized. Never sleep without a happy dose of a good organic lip balm (I use Organic Harvest’s lip balm)

5. Feet:

Make sure you give them special attention as they are the one to help you keep on going all the time. Don’t miss on those cozy Pedicure appointments or else DIY at home with simple list of equipment’s, easily available in market. Clean & moisturize them before you hit the bed. Scrubbing once in a fortnight helps… pamper your feet, they are special.

I intended to write a real short post on beauty tips & products….. but my inner woman went crazy thinking about all those amazing products that make us look great and pamper us.

Thanks for reading.. Tagging Deepa & Amrita with this post..


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