Mothers Against Influenza – A Jab of Good Health


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Mothers Against Influenza, learn everything about Influenza vaccine and conditions!

In 2011 when the self-test showed up with positive lines, my whole world turned beautiful. Jitters for the first time, along with early symptoms made it a roller coaster ride. High on adrenalin & scary at the same time. Visit Doctor confirmed a tiny human has hijacked my body and developing at a good speed. Few experiences in life are beyond words, this is one such occurrence.

First-time pregnancy brought many new experiences, I recall going for a series of medical tests then. Results showed no sign of distress, everything was good & normal. However, that was the same time my good Doctor advised for a few vaccinations. Vaccinations – but why? All I knew back then was, ‘No Medicine No Vaccination to an early pregnant woman! Oh, how wrong I was, and thank heavens my Doctor did not budge from his advice. ‘I took Influenza Vaccine in the first trimester of pregnancy.’

I recently got an opportunity to attend an Influenza Awareness Bloggers meet – #MomVsFlu. This occasion brought some very crucial take-home points for everyone. Dr. Uday Pai a well-known pediatrician and Dr. Mukesh Gupta practicing Gynaecologist/ Obstetrician shared their valuable insights on Why we Mothers should fight against Influenza. Mothers Against Influenza.

Influenza (FLU) – Causes &Damage

Do you know a simple cough or a sneeze could be fatal if you are a child under 5 years, a pregnant woman or elderly person? Yes, that’s correct! Influenza which is commonly known as FLU is a HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS infection which can spread as rampant as wild-fire.

Last year, when my daughter came back home from school she had a runny nose. I gave her a normal concoction of ‘gharelu-nuskha’ (homemade medicine), and a simple dose of paracetamol. However, by midnight her fever crossed all thresholds. Highest recorded at 104 degrees, we rushed to the emergency ward of a multi-specialty hospital. Preliminary tests confirmed it’s outbreak of H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu). Mind it, she just had a runny nose. Shocked beyond belief, as all her vaccinations were on time. Hospitalized in isolation for good 5 days and guess what – I was next in line. Luckily for me, the doctor gauged before it could reach the worst, and started medication.

Experts explained that though all her vaccinations were given on time, we missed the precautionary FLU Vaccine this year. I recall in 2016 when the SWINE Flu outbreak covered in newspapers & TV channels, we got ourselves vaccinated against FLU. However, this time we misjudged its duration. Lesson learned the hard way, we are now standing firmly against Influenza (FLU) and aim to spread information about Influenza.

Symptoms & High-risk factors for Influenza (Flu)

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As I mentioned above, daughter showed only a runny nose before the outbreak of Flu. Hence, the symptoms are as clueless as the common cold.

  • Fever
  • Body Chills
  • A cough or a Sore Throat
  • Runny & Blocked (stuffy) Nose
  • Tiredness
  • Body aches or Headaches

Children – below the age of 5 years are at higher risk, as in our case daughter was 4 years and probably got the flu from her school. Schools are the breeding grounds for the majority of flu viruses, for the obvious reasons. Central air-conditioned classrooms leave no room for fresh air, and if one child is carrying infection the class is vulnerable to flu. Hence, getting children vaccinated against Flu virus is a MUST. Dr. Pai mentioned – “Vaccines may take 4 to 6 weeks to develop complete immunity in your body, so you must take it before any epidemic like swine flu breaks out.”

Pregnant Women – During pregnancy, the immunity is at the lowest for a woman. In my case, vaccination against Flu kept all deadly viruses at bay. Just not me, in-fact daughter never fell prey to such easy attacks of viruses before the H1N1 episode. Coming back to the focal point of vaccination against influenza during pregnancy, keeps women safe from various fatal flu attacks. In Dr. Gupta’s words – “Go take a flu vaccine, even before you can get pregnant.  Only a healthy body can bring a healthy baby, preconception vaccine is important.”

Vaccinations Keep all Deadly Viruses at Bay

influenza vaccine

Dr. Mukesh mentioned – “Flu spreads by touching, coughing, sneezing by flu affected person onto babies. So, it’s best that families – parents, grandparents and even caretakers of the babies get Samuhik vaccinated.” Samuhik in Hindi refers to ‘cluster’, hence get the cluster vaccination for the whole family and safeguard against Flu.

Flu attacks during pregnancy might risk the mother & baby, pre-term delivery and many other complications. Hence, get the pre-pregnancy vaccination dose.

Genelia Deshmukh, famous Bollywood Celebrity and mother to two little munchkins reiterated Doctors advice. She focussed on, “My elder child may carry a flu virus and my younger child may get infected. So, it is important to protect them both and get the family vaccinated.” A concerned mother who has taken all the right measures to protect children from Influenza. “No mother must be a Worrier, she is a Warrior. Best way to tackle your questions about flu is to talk to your doctor

Editors’ Note

We, mothers, are warriors who make sure all good and best reach our children and family. So why not immunity jab of – protection. Vaccinations keep away deadly viruses, which may look simple as a common cough, but may lead to fatal illness if not caught hold on time. Yearly Influenza vaccination saves you from the worry of uninvited sickness or contagious attacks on children from public areas and schools.

The best way forward is to find a Doctor and talk to the expert, ask them questions about your worries. A healthy interaction, an aware parent brings a healthy and safe environment for the family. April, May, June the time summers are at peak, and kids on vacation, we must get vaccinated too. My recent conversation with daughter’s doctor confirmed it as before the Flu might outbreak, as a family one should get protected.

I am a Mother Against Influenza; Are You??

Influenza vaccine


“I attended a discussion on influenza awareness facilitated by Abbott India Limited. Any opinion expressed in this blog is my personal opinion and not the opinion of Abbott India Limited. Abbott India Limited does not assume any liability for the content of the blog. The blog post is not meant to be a replacement for a doctor consultation, nor is it a medical recommendation or prescription of treatment for babies having Influenza. Any reader of this blog or their family members suffering from Influenza should specifically consult his/her doctor for the same and follow the suggested course of treatment.”

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