Diarrhoea in Children – Know causes and managing it with Enterogermina


Diarrhea in Kids – I am the mother of a 6-year-old daughter, a hands-on-mommy who has seen her growing very closely. I often call parenting ‘on-the-job’ training, as you never know when an escalation reaches you from which direction.

Child health, a topic on which I can talk all day long. As a mother, I have learned from experience that the smallest itch could be dangerous if not reported immediately. Or the worst fear of an upset tummy could be handled easily at home by an expert probiotic.

Also, read Kids Oral Health.

What is Diarrhea and its symptoms in children?

Diarrhea in kids is the most common disease in the summers. Diarrhea is wobbly bowel movements (3 or more per day). Most kids have diarrhea from time to time. It usually doesn’t last long and often gets better on its own, or with the help of probiotics. There could be many reasons to get diarrhea, but the most common is viral diarrhea.

Diarrhoea in toddlers  Diarrhea in Kids
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Some Facts about Diarrhea in Kids –

  1. Diarrhea could be seasonal, Summer (March to May). Winter (September to January).
  2. The occurrence of diarrhea cases is at its peak during summers.
  3. Bacteria and Viruses are the two most common causes of diarrhea.

Common Symptoms of diarrhea are –

  1. Loose and watery stools
  2. Fever
  3. Loss of appetite
  4. Weight loss
  5. Dehydration
  6. Nausea

How to Treat common Diarrhoea in Kids –

I have seen mothers getting worried and stressed about ‘How to stop diarrhea in kids fast?’ But worrying won’t help us in any way. The best way to treat diarrhea is by having a clean, safe, and healthy lifestyle. Eat clean and well-cooked food, wash hands before and after every meal. Use hand sanitizers regularly, drink plenty of fluids especially in summers. Avoid street-side food vendors, and keep a note of timely vaccination in kids.

Mommy and Kid’s Date with Enterogermina

We (I and daughter) have recently been a part of an insightful and fun-filled day with Enterogermina #HappyTummiesMeet. The name which is embedded in every mother’s mind, a probiotic which helps manage diarrhea in children.

Enterogermina cures diarrhoea
Diarrhea in Kids

Paediatrician’s No.1 choice and a very effective probiotic that helps manage diarrhea by controlling the bad bacteria in the intestines and making tummies happy. During the event, we learned how to diagnose early signs of diarrhea from the expert speaker Dr.Zinal.  She also explained to kids the easy ways to keep away from bad bacteria by maintaining healthy personal hygiene. The best way to teach kids how to differentiate between good and bad is simply by involving them in the act.

My daughter learned the easy ways of identifying healthy food by some fun D-I-Y activities at the event. The curious minds just didn’t stop there, they also learned how diarrhea could lead to troubled tummies and bad times. Hence, by learning the jingle of – ‘healthy tummies ko bolo Haan, Enterogermina’. So, it is always Enterogermina for kids.

Catch the latest TVC of Enterogermina here –

As I mentioned in the beginning, motherhood transformed me into a semi-ninja by now. I know the early signs of trouble and make sure to keep things handy to combat it before it goes big bad ugly. So, for #happytummies it is always Enterogermina.

children's diarrhoea treatment
Diarrhea in Kids


© Dipika Singh. Unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.

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