Fashion Friday- How to be a Trendsetter!


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Fashion Friday- How to be a trendsetter

You’re bound to look more confident when you’re wearing something more comfortable. You may feel a little uneasy when the much-needed element of comfort is missing. You may have come across instances wherein you tried out a new fashion garment only to feel a bit weird in the end.

Check out these tips to be a trendsetter –

Identify the key research elements.

If you wish to be a good trendsetter, you must do your own research in advance. You must find out seasonal outfits that could make you look hotter during the Fridays. All fashionistas are trying to create a sensation by opting for an eye-catching and unique range of fashion outfits during the winter season. Going out on a Friday night or inviting guests at home may drive the limelight on you. You may check out all updates coming from a host of fashion bloggers that you follow regularly over social media. You could be the very first person to read a blog in your township and catch everyone by surprise.

Check out less popular brands 

Many of you choose to stick to a few eminent brands when it comes to buying clothes. Many a time, you may have come across shirts with high price tags, even when you saw other men wearing the same shirts out on the road so often. You may be fond of the fashion store in your neighborhood, but you may need to check out a few other resources if you wish to look trendy. Checking out a few of the online resources might be of great help to you. You may consider checking out a plethora of fashion collections belonging to new and upcoming brands like Zipker. What more, you may even add a Zipker coupon code online to enhance your savings while placing an order. Likewise, you’re going to catch up with the trendiest of outfits with many other lesser known brands of your times.

Don’t feel bad about a few turning heads or weird looks

You may have passed through a few challenging times if you aim high on being a trendsetter in the world of fashion. You may come across a few individuals that check back on you without any reasons, especially when you’re on the road. Few of the leading designers have experienced criticism only to be appreciated later by a large mass of people, once their creations turned popular all over the globe. The fact that the latest trends often indulge in a few odd creations can actually invite more criticism. What is being criticized today can be a popular trend tomorrow!

Get beyond the niche area

You’ll need to do a fair bit of experiments if you really wish to match the current trends. You may end up setting trend for others when you wear a unique outfit while going out in public. You may need to add new outfits to your wardrobe more frequently just to look trendy and score more on your style quotient. Trying out a few unique pieces of clothing might even help you in improving your sense of style. If you’re one of those that wish to be a part of the lens trend, then buying a pair of fake lens glasses will do the trick even if they seem to be quite simple to you. You may start wearing them more frequently when you get appreciated and inquired by others around you.

Keep your comfort in mind

Many of you are of the opinion that you need to pay a price to remain on trend. You may have sacrificed your comfort level to a great extent when you pick those high heels over your soft loafers. Instead of sacrificing your comfort, you may venture into a world of uncommon fashion outfits and accessories. Being a trendsetter, you must keep your eyes fixed on the latest fashion offers on a regular basis.

Trendsetting is actually about doing experiments with your looks. You can always opt for another look when you don’t like anything in particular.

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Guest Post Feature by Mohuya Dey

Mohuya Dey is a Fashion Enthusiast and a wonderful writer. She is also associated with e-commerce websites and bring latest fashion & lifestyle trends to our wardrobes.

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