The 4th of February is known as World Cancer Day and January is a cervical cancer awareness month where women should educate and understand the complexity and measures to prevent this cancer. What is Cervical cancer and what are the cervical cancer symptoms, what are the causes, and how to treat cervical cancer. This cancer occurs in the cervix, which is the lower, narrow end of the uterus and connects the uterus to the vagina. Cancer starts in the cell of the cervix. Although there are measures to prevent and resolve this cancer, it’s crucial to understand what it is and how it occurs.
Before we jump into the definitions and prevention of cervical cancer, it’s vital to know cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer in women, and there are new causes and deaths because of this cancer. One of the only elements responsible for cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. HPV is spread by sexual activity, and women with HIV are more likely to attract cervical cancer.
Many people get cervical cancer after sexual activity, and often the individual clears the infection. If appropriately treated and examined effectively, cervical cancer can be cured. Early diagnosis and consistent treatment can help with healing cancer. In this post, we will discuss every element of cervical cancer symptoms, cervical cancer screening, and cervical cancer treatment.
What is Cervical Cancer, and Where Does it Occur?
HPV is one of the most common infections of the reproductive tract. Women with hypersexual activities are more likely to get affected by this viral infection and also can get cured. Women who haven’t been treated for HIV are more likely to attract this infection, and a weak immune system will lead you to this. The exocervix and endocervix are the outer and inner parts of the cervix.
The exocervix, the outer part of the cervix, is covered by thin flat cells known as squamous cells, and the endocervix is the inner part that connects the vagina to the uterus as it forms a canal. The endocervix makes the mucus with column-shaped glandular cells. The transformation zone is where cancer begins in the squamous cells. The transformation zone is the border where the exocervix and endocervix meet.
Most Cervical cancer symptoms occur in squamous cells, which are in the exocervix. There’s another type of cervical cancer known as adenocarcinoma, which develops in the inner part of the cervix where epithelial cells are present. Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma are two major types of cervical cancer, and sometimes a person may get mixed cancer which includes both of them.
Three Types Of Cervical Cancer:
- Squamous cell carcinomas
- Adenocarcinomas
- Adenosquamous carcinomas
Standard Cervical Cancer Symptoms
- Pain in pelvis
- Pain during sexual intercourse
- Menstrual: abnormal menstruation, heavy menstruation, irregular menstruation, or spotting
- Groin: abnormal vaginal bleeding or abnormal vaginal discharge
- Also common: fatigue, nausea, or weight loss
Also, learn about the innovative Breast Cancer Treatment, here.
Cervical Cancer Treatment – How To Prevent Cervical Cancer
Women must understand that cervical cancer symptoms can go unnoticed and damage their bodies if they don’t treat it early. Prevention is the only cure for cervical cancer, and to prevent cervical cancer, you can only do two things which are the HPV vaccine and regular testing. Precancerous changes start cervical cancer, and there are different ways to stop them from developing.
Cervical cancer is a formidable health concern affecting women globally, with symptoms ranging from abnormal bleeding to pelvic pain. Understanding its types and prevention strategies is crucial in combating its prevalence. Among the arsenal of treatment options, gamma knife radiosurgery emerges as a potent weapon in the fight against cervical cancer. This innovative technique offers a non-invasive approach, precisely targeting cancerous cells with highly focused radiation beams while sparing healthy tissue.
Unlike traditional surgery, gamma knife radiosurgery minimizes the risks of complications and reduces recovery time significantly.
Specific tests for finding cervical cancer
The first prevention tests are to determine the possibility of getting cancer and treating it early. It can help you to detect pre-cancer before it becomes invasive. Two main tests should be done to find the emergence of cervical cancer symptoms.
- PAP test
- HPV test
These tests are done during cervical cancer screening, and it’s one of the only ways to find the pre-cancer. Health professionals use specific tools and practices to remove some cells for testing from the cervix, and when the pre-cancer is detected, it can be treated before the damage starts.
HPV Test for cervical cancer
To look for the infection that can be spread by HPV, the HPV test is conducted. HPV is the only cause of cancer, and doing HPV tests can help you find precancerous cancer of the cervix. If the HPV test is positive, you need to start treating it and get regular visits to health professionals. Your past tests and the overall problem is addressed in the HPV tests, and you need to consult and go through some specific procedures to treat it.
PAP Test
PAP test is a screening method to collect the cells from the cervix and test them in the lab. PAP test helps with finding cancer and precancer and the PAP test includes a pelvic exam. A woman should consider doing a PAP test consistently to avoid the emergence of cervical cancer. Your health professional will take you through collecting cells and testing them to address the issue. Your risk of developing cancer is examined through the tests.
Methods To Prevent Pre-cancers And Cancers
To prevent cancer, you need to follow up on some regular steps to help cure it. Before it becomes disturbing for your body, you need to consult a health professional who will assist you in curing cancer. Let’s take a look at some habits and practices that you need to eliminate to prevent precancerous cancer.
Limit sexual contact
HPV is infectious, and sexual contact can infect the other person; getting in connection with the infectious area can cause trouble; although it’s not about sex, cancer can be caused by the body to body contact. The infection may go from the cervix to the vagina and the only solution to prevent HPV is to limit your sexual contact, which means avoiding sexual connection with people who had sex with many partners in the past and qualifying your sex partners.
Use Protection
Using protection while having sex is a vital element in avoiding most infections and cancers. Condoms can protect against HPV, but the condom cannot cover the infected area, and there’s still a possibility of getting cervical cancer. Hence, you need to ensure that you are limiting sexual contact.
Stop Smoking
It’s crucial to work on the prevention and reduction of cancer and if you want to reduce the risk of getting cervical cancer, then avoid smoking.
There’s a huge possibility of getting cancer without any symptoms, so it’s crucial to do regular testing to examine. Consulting with a health professional will help you to understand the situation and do treatments on it.
This information is for awareness only. Please consult your doctor for more information on HPV.
©Dipika Singh. This article is the property of the site’s author. Any unauthorized use or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Dipika Singh (Gleefulblogger). With the right and specific direction to the original content.
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[…] Also, if you wish to read about cervical cancer, here. […]